
I believe in being prepared for any given situation. It isn't because I'm a pessimistic person; I think it is just good common sense. Hence, I've entitled my blog "Even Nothing is Something."

This covers my butt in any event. On any given day I can feel great exaltation that I have done something grand. I can scribble fiercely when my thoughts are leaping across the meadows of my mind like a happy little colt in the month of May, or my mind and writing can be as dry and arid, as cold and without life, as the Gobi desert - because even Nothing is Something.

I want to thank all of my fellow artists who work through other means and forms and who sell their work on the wonderful artist's site "Etsy," a place to buy and sell all things handmade, along with vintage items and supplies for their craft. They are a great group of people.

Those who have links to their site on my blog represent only a few of those whom I wish to include. Just click on one of those links and join the Etsy community. It is free. They are a great group of artists who have relieved me of my money in the most delightful of ways. If it weren't for their encouragement, I would have never shared my work through this blog.

Thank you my darling friends!

Enjoy my blog - The Poet or Not - More or Less

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Hummingbird

Several years ago my husband was in our garage when a hummingbird flew in through the opened door. It flew around inside the garage frantically trying to find its way out. Eventually it fell to the concrete floor. At first, Bruce thought it was dead. He picked it up and discovered that it wasn't dead; it was simply exhausted.

With great wonderment my husband and I each held this little bird in the palm of our hand and fed it hummingbird food through a very small dropper. It was a marvelous moment, something that will probably never happen again; to hold such a tiny bird in our hands was a miracle.

When the bird finally recovered, it flew off only to return again and again to our hummingbird feeder. We will never forget this moment of wonder. I just wrote this Haiku poem yesterday.

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